Our Team (Advisors and Experts)

Partnerships for Permanence is made of three separate teams - our team of Consultants, Executive Team, and Board of Directors. There are so many things that make the members of our teams special - from differing perspectives and attitudes to unique skills and traits. But the single greatest thing about every one of them is that they always bring a fresh spirit to the table, despite dealing with rigorous schedules filled with school, work, family, and extra-curriculars.

Our work has always had its challenges, but our team has always been there to answer them, and to support each other through the ups and the downs - no matter what. It would be impossible to explain with words all of the things we have accomplished so far, and all of the things we can accomplish when we work together.

“For many adolescents who have experienced foster care, it is very important to help other young people who “come behind them.” Opportunities to positively influence the foster care experiences of others is a very meaningful way for them to get involved and give back.”

Youth Consultants And PEER MENTORS

The young leaders outside of our executive team are also a vital part of P4P’s success. They are the current or former members of the organization that provide peer mentoring, served as former employees, or currently meet with our clients face to face in workshops and in webinars. Their perspectives are what drive our organization forward, and their service to it is instrumental to our success.

If you are a young person or a work with a youth who may be interested in joining our team of youth consultants, please download our youth consultant application below. Completed applications may be submitted at any time by email to info@partnershipsforpermanence.org, with the subject line titled: “Youth Consultant Application.”

LEaders changing the system (LCS) Program Graduates and Advisory NETWORK Members

Leaders Changing the System Advisory Network

Leaders Changing the System (LCS) Network Advisory Group is made up of dedicated, passionate, "proximate leaders" with personal and professional experience in child welfare. Amplifying the voices of Black/African Americans with lived experience is an essential ingredient for child welfare reform that addresses the disparities that Black families currently experience within the child welfare system.

LCS Advisory Network is a unique culturally-specific lived experience professional resource network for child welfare decision-makers and stakeholders to partner and collaborate for system reform and policy changes. 

Leadership Training and Mentoring Program

Leaders Changing the System (“LCS”), is a six-week summer training and mentoring program created by Partnerships for Permanence (P4P) to train and recruit current or former foster and adoptive young leaders to our organization as executive team members or youth consultants who share in our organization’s mission and want to see it succeed. LCS graduates have demonstrated progress in communications, public speaking, storytelling, child welfare, and legislation advocacy skills.

Want to learn more about P4P’s Founder, the busy members of our Executive Team, or our trusty Board of Directors? Click below to learn more and apply to join our amazing board of directors team.